Project page for Java Nio Server


Originally started by Adam Martin and uploaded to the T=Machine blog (, this is:

A small simple but complete java NIO server (with full source included) that is free for anyone to use for anything. At the moment, it only deals with sending and receiving strings, and isn’t optimized.

(from the original post on the T=Machine blog. There are also a lot of comments on the original post that you might find helpful)

Perhaps the most important thing to take from that is:

MOST resources on the internet providing source code for Java NIO servers are WRONG and FULL OF BUGS that mean they WILL NOT WORK - including BOTH of the O’Reilly books I’ve read (”Java NIO” and “Learning Java”). ... So, although this library is NOT particularly optimized (mostly in that it is wasteful with how it creates ByteBuffers), it DOES ACTUALLY WORK and is pretty simple and well-documented, so hopefully you can use it to make your own servers.


Full documentation (NOT just auto-generated, but actually manually written) is now uploaded to the SourceForge site here:


The exact original version as released in January 2008 is now on SourceForge as "Version 1.0.0".

That and future versions should be available from SourceForge here:

Making changes + Support

Your improvements to this code base are deeply welcomed! I've put it up on SourceForge to make it easier for people to do that.

For support, please use the SourceForge systems on the project page -